
20.02. - 23.02.2025

Art Karlsruhe

Galerie Fetzer

Galerie Fetzer zeigt auf der Art Karlsruhe vom 20. bis 23. Februar 2024 mit einem Stand in Halle 1, H1/A02 Arbeiten von Nicholas Bodde | Nikola Dimitrov | Friedhelm Falke | Günther Förg Gerhard Frömel | YeunHi Kim | Imi Knoebel | Camill Leberer | Rita Rohlfing | Frank Stella | Markus F. Strieder | Bernd Zimmer

Nikola Dimitrov

Preview für VIPs und Presse: Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2025 von 13:00 bis 20:00 Uhr

Galerie Fetzer, Sontheim an der Brenz

Art Karlsruhe

20.02. - 23.02.2025

Art Karlsruhe

GALERÍA ROY, Felanitx / Mallorca (E)


ART KARLSRUHE 2025 / GALERÍA ROY, Felanitx / Mallorca (E)

GALERÍA ROY, Felanitx / Mallorca (E)

06.02. - 11.05.2025


Vasarely Museum, Budapest

ImageMusic, Vasarely Museum, Budapest

Vasarely Museum, Budapest

Serena Amrein 1964 (Switzerland) Czeizel Balázs Gergő Borlai Juan María Braceras Levente Bálványos András Bódai Francesco Camponovo Boyan Chakarov Christoph Dahlhausen 1960 (Germany) Ádám Darázs Georgi Dimitrov 1980 Nikola Dimitrov 1961 (Germany) Rita Ernst 1956 (Switzerland) Marcell Esterházy 1977 Tünde Fülöp Martin Gerwers 1963 (Germany) Michael Graeve 1961 (Australia) Barry Guy Gábor Győrfi Csaba Hajnóczy István Haász 1946 (Hungary) Alex Hedriksen José Heerkens 1950 (Netherlands) Marti Heinz Maya Homburger Gerhard Hotter 1954 (Germany) Viktor Hulík 1949 (Slovakia) Peter Janson Tamás Jovánovics 1974 (Hungary) Walter Kaitna Antal Kelle 1953 (Hungary) Peter Koetsveld Tamás Kopasz 1958 (Hungary) Luca Korodi (Hungary) Andrea Ladanyi Ferenc Lantos (Hungary) Josef Linschinger 1945 (Austria) James Malikey Dóra Maurer 1937 (Hungary) András Mengyán 1945 (Hungary) Balogh Máté Barbara Nagy István Nádler 1938 (Hungary) Anna Peternák Roman Pfeffer 1972 (Austria) Otto Reitsperger 1955 (Austria) Reinhard Roy 1948 (Germany) János Saxon Szász 1964 (Hungary) Klaus J. Schoen 1931 (Germany) Miguel Ángel Viñuela Solla Dávid Szentgróti 1980 (Hungary) Zsuzsa Sztruhár Péter Tornyai Bertalan Varga György Varga Jan David Wagner Koloman Wagner 1992 (Austria) András Wolsky 1969 Mária Flóra Zoltán

Nikola Dimitrov spielt seine Klavierkomposition KlangRaumQuinten zu seinen Bildern NachtKlang I -IV, 2022, Pigmente, Bindemittel auf Leinwand je 100 x 100 cm. NachtKlang II - IV werden vom 6. Februar - 11. Mai 2025 im Vasarely Museum in Budapest im Rahmen der Ausstellung ImageMusic gezeigt.

The exhibition presents various possibilities for overlaps, transitions, and connections between images and sounds. These possibilities partly emerge in concrete art and partly – due to the nature of the theme – in works that transcend genre boundaries or in interdisciplinary experiments completely independent of these boundaries. The aim of the exhibition is not only to highlight connections between different artistic fields but also to share the joy of discovery, explore the laws governing the artworks, and ultimately bring art closer to people. We are deeply grateful to the musicians who were open to collaborating with visual artists on joint projects or who, during their independent work, occasionally raised visual questions. Special thanks go to the multitalented creators for whom the two fields are almost inseparable. The emergence of new works by such artists made the preparation and realisation of this exhibition timely.

19.01. - 30.03.2025


Nikola Dimitrov - Eberhard Ross - Klaus Schneider

gkg, Bonn

BILDKLANG KLANGBILD, Nikola Dimitrov - Eberhard Ross - Klaus Schneider

BILDKLANG KLANGBILD, Nikola Dimitrov - Eberhard Ross - Klaus Schneider

Einladungskarte als PDF


30.11.2024 – 23.02.2025

7. Internationaler andré-evard Preis

Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel

Nikola Dimitrov, Blue Light 80, 2023, HD-Metal Print auf Aluminium, 80 x 80 cm

Nikola Dimitrov, 2023, BlueLight 80, HD Metal Print auf Aluminium 80 x 80 cm

Nominierte Künstler: * Ilse Aberer 1954 (Austria) * Frank Altmann 1981 * Nelly Andresz * Ulrich Backmerhoff * Regine Bartholdt * Milija Bellic * Barna Benedek 1973 (Hungary) * Hei Van Der Berg * Karin Beyens * Angela Bohn * Michel Bugaud * Hagen Bäcker * Natacha Caland 1968 (France) * Francesco Camponovo * Gerhard Daum * Edgar Diehl 1950 (Germany) * Nikola Dimitrov 1961 (Germany) * Selçuk Dizlek 1976 (Germany) * Werner Dorsch 1952 (Germany) * Robert Dufter * Christian Eder 1964 (Austria) * Manfred Emmenegger-Kanzler 1953 (Germany) * Chiara Ernst * Frieder Falk * Krisztina Dozsa Farkas * Carlos Roberto Franco 1960 (Colombia) * Detlef Funder * Ueli Gantner 1950 (Switzerland) * Jonas Göhringer * René Habermacher * Volker W. Hamann 1962 (Germany) * Paul Harper 1974 (United Kingdom) * Thomas Haufe * Michael M. Heyers * Herbert Hocky * Kathrin Hoffmann 1977 (Germany) * Diana Hommel * Gerhard Hotter 1954 (Germany) * Kathrin Hubl (Germany) * Béatrice Hug * Roland Humair * Inge Jakobsen 1963 (Denmark) * Ina von Jan 1954 (Germany) * Rity Jansen Heijtmajer 1942 (Netherlands) * Jochem op ten Noort * Markus Kaesler * Jan Kaláb 1978 (Czech Republic) * Mary Kim 1974 (United States) * Jean Kirsten (Germany) * Ana Kostova * Renate Krammer 1956 (Austria) * Karin Ilse Käppeli-von Bülow 1943 (Germany) * Ute Köngeter * Ulf König * Viktoria Körösi 1977 (Hungary) * Yeongbin Lee * Merav Leibküchler (Germany, Israel) * Alain-Jacques Levrier-Mussat * Lu Luo 1971 (China) * Dagmar Lutz 1961 (Germany) * Christine Löw * Manfred Makra 1956 (Austria) * Antonio Marra 1959 (Italy) * Beata Merki * Pierre Millotte * Gabi Mitterer 1967 (Austria) * Yoshiyuki Miura 1958 (Japan) * Mitsuko Mori * Kei Nakamura * Barbara Niesen 1948 (Germany) * Paul Nievergelt * Peter Nowack * Fumiari Ogawa 1951 (Japan) * László Ottó 1966 * Norbert Palzer * Eva Paragi * Gisela Pletschen * Rüdiger Preisler 1945 (Germany) * Martyna Przemyslaw * Otto Reitsperger 1955 (Austria) * Rita Rohlfing 1964 (Germany) * Robert Rudigier 1964 (Germany) * Günter Scharein 1949 (Germany) * Sabine Schellhorn 1962 (Germany) * Angelika Schledz * Gerold Schmidt * Marike Schreiber 1982 (Germany) * Rüdiger Seidt 1965 (Germany) * Violetta Elisa Seliger * Rene Sieber (Germany) * Giovanna Strada * Volker Tinti * Petra Tödter 1965 (Germany) * Jean Pierre Viot 1937 (France) * Koloman Wagner 1992 (Austria) * Peter Weber 1944 (Germany) * Susanne Werdin 1964 (Germany) * Zemp Werner * József Zakavári * Bohumil Elias jun. (Czech Republic)

Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel